3 posts tagged with USPolitics.
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As old as Biden

Barely a Project - just a single post to my blog - this highlights some of the other folks who were born in 1942, the same year as Joe Biden, including Paul McCartney, Barbara Streisand, and Harrison Ford.
posted by kristi on Jul 12, 2024 - 1 comment

Trump Learned

Tweets when the president learns (and tweets) a word for the first time. Like @nyt_first_said, but applied to the president. [more inside]
posted by zazerr on Mar 28, 2019 - 2 comments


A rapidly deployed critical data & visualization intervention in the USA’s 2018 “Zero Tolerance Policy” for asylum seekers at the US Ports of Entry and the humanitarian crisis that has followed. Volume 2 is a deep and radically new look at the territory and infrastructure of ICE’s financial regime in the USA. This data & visualization intervention peels back layers of culpability behind the humanitarian crisis of 2018
posted by lollusc on Aug 28, 2018 - 1 comment

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