5 posts tagged with Kickstarter.
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This Thing of Paper: A Knitting Book About Knitting and Books.
Thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign, I've written & designed This Thing of Paper, a knitting book inspired by early printed books. Officially the first knitting book to be included in the Gutenberg Museum's archive of book history. [more inside]
My Kickstarter Project Gamer Theory
From the Kickstarter: "My book is divided into two parts. The first part is a point-by-point response to McKenzie Wark's excellent Gamer Theory (2007, Harvard University Press). The second part offers an expanded definition of Gamer Theory, complete with suggestions for ways the reader can think critically about gaming and still enjoy the hell out of it. " [more inside]
Kicksaver: Find and save Kickstarter projects ending soon.
Kicksaver finds Kickstarter projects that will end soon without meeting their funding goals. If you have a few dollars to spare, you can help tip a struggling project over its goal and prevent it from losing the pledges made so far. It also tweets endangered projects a few times a day. This is a weekend project I made as part of my continuing effort to teach myself programming. It's completely noncommercial, open source, and not affiliated with Kickstarter in any way (although I do think they're pretty great). [more inside]
AtomPunk - a postapocalyptic cardgame
A co-op wastelands caravan card game for 1-4 players that lasts 30-45 minutes. Race for the Galaxy Vs. Magic the Gathering with a splash of euro gaming in a dirty Fallout post apocalyptic setting. This will be kickstarter.com funded and I would love any help with card ideas and mechanics. [more inside]
Slider: An addictive new puzzle game for Android (and soon iOS)
This is a project I started a few months ago via Kickstarter, and the fruits of my labors are now available. It's an abstract puzzle game where you slide blocks around by tilting your device (touch-controlled sliding is also available if you're tilt-wary). [more inside]