7 posts tagged with Elections.
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(A) Stand-up to Protect Our Vote
A fundraising drive for the Election Protection Hotline. (Not a US resident or US citizen? Hate all the major parties? No problem! You can donate!) Then, on Oct. 26th, watch 8 minutes of nerd jokes about open source software and how programming skews your brain, and none about politics.
Running for Carrboro Town Council
I've been canvassing and making phone calls for Democratic campaigns since 2004, and I've been a precinct secretary. I've also been on the board of two different local nonprofit organizations, the Triangle Linux Users Group (TriLUG), and the Carrboro Bicycle Coalition. Running for elected office is a big step, and I'm new at this, but I think I have a clear picture of both the logistics and the financial reality of what it will take to run and then do the work of a Town Council member. [more inside]
2018 US election ratings & results tracker
One stop shop document for what's on the ballot for Congressional and major state races this November. Includes race ratings for most offices, which I'm updating as appropriate. Hopefully a handy way of keeping track of what's happening this Election Day.
What Orbán Knows and His Enemies Don’t
Victor Orbán just won again the elections in Hungary, I explain why in this article for Jacobin: What Orbán Knows and His Enemies Don’t.
Ballotcraft: like fantasy football, but for politics
I've been making a fantasy game but instead of sports, Ballotcraft is entirely about the weird, wonderful, and terrifying world of American politics. Come place bets on who the nominees will be, challenge your friends to see who can best predict the primaries, get super wonky on the forum; we got all you need to go politi-nuts on Ballotcraft! [more inside]
Electobot: Open-Source UK Election Predictions
Opinion polls are all well and good, but they don't give you much of an idea of what might actually happen in an election (particularly in a multi-party democracy like the UK). Electobot aims to solve that by running thousands of simulated elections in order to work out what might happen if the election were run tomorrow with the polls as they are. In addition to running the simulations, I've also been blogging the results at Electobot: The Blog. [more inside]
Newt Santorum
A site that collects links from around the Web showing the intellectual and cultural decline of the GOP.