3 posts tagged with witchcraft by overglow.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.
Thirteen Witchy Ways of Looking at the James Webb Space Telescope (Part One)
This is my second video essay for YouTube, an exploration of the James Webb Space Telescope from a nature-based spiritual perspective and, more broadly, how science and scientific discoveries inform such a perspective. I researched, wrote, performed and edited this video (so much video editing). Thanks for watching!
Brigid: Goddess, Saint, Badass (Or Why I'm Starting This YouTube Channel)
This is my first YouTube video, which I've been working on researching, writing, filming, and editing for the past three weeks to a month.
content note for Metafilter: contains spirituality of the witchy kind
The Portland Tarot Forecast
A free weekly reading for the whole city. I got the idea because sometimes I'd noticed the same card or cards showing up in different people's readings in the same few days, and I felt like I was glimpsing larger spiritual currents. I wanted to more fully examine that, and also to combine my writing flair with my divinatory reading skills. Warning: Contains mysticism