3 posts tagged with map by tmcw.
Displaying 1 through 3 of 3.

Your Superfund

What environmental catastrophe is your neighbor? A map of all 1.6k Superfund sites and an instant finder for your own by using some interesting math hacks.
posted by tmcw on Sep 29, 2011 - 8 comments

A New Running Map

The first of a serious of neat little side projects from my usual work on MapBox and the like - a new kind of map (I call it a 'squiggle') and a new pretty map. But, hopefully a lot more than that - I documented the process of creating the map in serious detail, and it goes over re-teaching myself high school trig, writing a scraper for Garmin Connect, trying to fake being a real artist, and figuring out some new map interactions. There's more to come, and ideally this convinces the big groups that hold onto our data to let us get at it to make more beautiful things.
posted by tmcw on Aug 1, 2011 - 4 comments


Finally out in the open - a project I've been working on at work. Sweet, beautiful open source map design.
posted by tmcw on Feb 16, 2011 - 2 comments

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