2 posts tagged with filmreviews by growabrain.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

In 2024 I saw 1,289 movies...

In January of 2021, during Covid, I started logging the many films that I watch. In the 4 years since then, I've seen 4,126 movies and wrote about each and every one. Here is my summery for the year that just ended, and this is where all the reviews are archived. I see about 20-25 movies each week, and post a shortish weekly write-up every Monday. I also include links to the free streamers where I saw them.
posted by growabrain on Jan 2, 2025 - 5 comments

The 885 films I saw and reviewed in 2021

Last year I started reviewing the many films I watch. Bit by bit, writing these reviews became my new “Art Project”, my main creative 'thing’ for 2021. I usually only write a short personal paragraph or two about each film. Here is the 2021 year-end summery with stats and a spreadsheet. I've continued with it now into the second year.
posted by growabrain on Jan 17, 2022 - 1 comment

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