2 posts tagged with comics by DaleLazarov.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.
GUTTERFAGS: Quarterly reviews of sequential art about dude-on-dude lust and love
The new issue of GUTTERFAGS is up at http://www.gutterfags.com/ ! This issue features:
– The Less Than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal by E.K. Weaver, reviewed by Meredith Nudo
– Wuvable Oaf by Ed Luce, reviewed by Michael Martinez
– Roy & Al by Ralf König, reviewed by Kyle J. Campbell
– Webz by KaputOtter, reviewed by Daniel Milco
– Husbands: The Comic by Brad Bell, Jane Espenson et al, reviewed by Larry Duplechan
---- With cover art by Knut Graabein --- Edited by Aldo Alvarez, Ph.D & Dale Lazarov
Gay erotic comics in DRM-free PDF format // purchase & download for $3.50 or less through Selz
Hi, folks! I am Dale Lazarov and I write and edit gay erotic comics drawn by distinctive and evocative illustrators like Steve MacIsaac, Drub and Chas Hunter, among others. Our smart, wholesome gay comics smut is full of man-on-man carnality and sweetness. They don't have dialogue or captions so they don't require translation; just your horniness! ;-D As you may know, I have published four hardcovers of gay erotic comics published and distributed internationally by Bruno Gmünder Verlag. Now we're selling both original-to-digital and digital-reprint homoerotic comics in PDF format directly to readers online using Selz, an Australian payment processor that's committed to distributing our art online for purchase and download. As you can imagine, direct digital sales to readers through the internet allows us to circumvent censorious apps and unadventurous bookstores. Also, we both keep more money from your purchase and drastically lower the price of the comics to prices competitive with mainstream comics. So go buy some now! Purchase and download at http://dalelazarov.selz.com/ ; NSFW page samples are available at http://www.dalelazarov.com/ [more inside]