2 posts tagged with cerebus by Paul Slade.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

New Gerhard art: The Murder Ballet.

PlanetSlade is (somewhat belatedly) celebrating its 5th birthday with a big new piece off artwork from Cerebus's Gerhard. The piece - which I commissioned a couple of months ago - builds references to 33 PlanetSlade essays into a single giant composition, and also sneaks in a "Where's Wally" style appearance for Cerebus himself. There's a roaming zoom function to let you scrutinise the art close-up, an enlargeable scan of it in its pencils stage and Gerhard's own animated GIF showing the inking process stage-by-stage. I've added a short essay explaining the genesis of the project and letting people follow it through from conception to finished art. [more inside]
posted by Paul Slade on Apr 16, 2016 - 1 comment

Johnny Winter v Jonah Hex

details a courtroom shoot-out I wrote about for Mojo in October 2003. It’s one of 17 old articles (all PDFs) which I’ve just posted on PlanetSlade.com. There you’ll find my pieces on Troma’s Best Trashy Videos (from Time Out), Quentin Crisp’s New York (The Independent) and Cerebus the Aardvark (The Idler). You’ll also discover how to Write a Cheque on a Cow (Inside Money), learn why you should Clean the Wallpaper with Stale Bread (Sunday Telegraph) and see how a trip to Colorado let me complete My Global Shakespeare Quest (Shakespeare Scene). Start with the menu.
posted by Paul Slade on Aug 15, 2010 - 1 comment

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