4 posts tagged with Art and media.
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Working Through Grief with Shrine Making
In July of 2017 my mother died after a long time being sick. She and I always had a tremulous relationship, and since the late 90's I've been her care taker on and off. I had a lot of feelings about her passing, so I worked through them making art. [more inside]
Monstrous Creature
Pablo Valencia is a writer and artist living in Los Angeles. Monstrouscreature.org is the place where he updates his different projects, including his correspondence project to his sister, collages and short film projects.
365 Days of Print July Residency
365 Days of Print: Artists Remix the News is year long online kick-starter funded art project. Each month, 6-10 different artists around the world are provided with daily subscriptions to the printed version of a newspaper of their choice. During their month-long residencies they commit to read the paper every morning and then create work in response to their experience of the day's news. They then upload their daily results at either 10:00 a.m. or 10 p.m. EST. I've a little over a week left, but my work to date can be viewed here.
The 24 Hour Novel Project
Dream of writing a novel but can’t find time to write? How about setting aside just 1 day? I gathered a team of authors to compose a novel collaboratively in a day (May 28th) and you can watch via the web as every word is composed in real-time. The cover art will be created that day too, which you can observe via live video stream. The collaboration culminates in a free Creative Commons licensed e-book available for download the following day. Wish us luck. We'll need it.