8 posts tagged with Art and blog.
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Dither All the Things - Atkinson Dithering for the Web
I think we can all agree that web pages today are too colorful, which is why I have created a web component that crushes your images down to crisp, pixel-perfect dithered black and white.
This blog post features an interactive demo - dither your own images and party like it is 1985!
linocut print: A Powerful Culture
I took snapshots and wrote up some process notes and overall motivations for one of my most recent linocut blockprint works, "A Powerful Culture", which is based around the 1993 Sandia Labs report on long-term nuclear storage messaging (warning, beefy PDF). [more inside]
Just Like Grape
Starting a weekly newsletter about arts, design and entrepreneurship. The first two posts are already up!
Sunday Squee
Every Sunday I'm posting about something I love. [more inside]
Mapstalgia - video game maps drawn from memory
Mapstalgia is a new blog collecting people's drawn-from-memory maps of video game worlds and levels. Zeldas and Marios; detailed Final Fantasy cartography and sketched Contra recollections; crayon Kings Quest and graph paper Castlevania. Submissions are open, draw something yourself and send it in! [more inside]
The Corpse Debutante
I have a new blog; it is about not being able to draw. Here's the mission statement.
Dan's blog of math/art projects based on geometric curiosities
My friend Dan and I collaborate on mathy art projects! I throw ideas at him; he does all the hard work of the math and art; I get him to write down what he did, and I help photograph and edit. The blog is a mix of pretty pictures and detailed technical explanations — something for everyone. (Well, for everyone who really, really likes geometry.) So far: polyhedra, paper models, tractrices, reaction-diffusion systems, and bonus musical creations. Comments/questions/suggestions welcome.
indexical (a photoblog)
I am a visual artist in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and this is my photoblog. I have been posting fairly regularly over the past year (233 photos so far). I think of my photoblog as a photographic notebook, a tool I use to record and develop visual ideas over time. It is also a good excuse to wander around with a camera. [more inside]