Student Newspaper Queer Edition
April 16, 2019 8:31 AM   Subscribe

Student Newspaper Queer Edition
Queer Honi: Cultural and Gender Marxxxism edition. Every year, the editorial collective of the student newspaper of the University of Sydney cede their position five times, for the autonomous Honi Soit editions: Wom*n's, Queer, Indigenous, Ethnocultural (ACAR) and Disability. I had the great privilege to be the primary editor for queer Honi this year. It's not something that I consider to be within my field of expertise, but I had a crack at it and people say it didn't turn out too badly.

Unlike the standard weekly Honi, this edition is not subject to review by the Student Representative Council and is comprised entirely of work by queer, LGBTQI, non-straight etc people.

I didn't have enough submissions to really curate a theme, unfortunately, so it's a little scattered wrt to the direction of the thoughts contained, but hopefully instead it serves as something of a sampler or snapshot of the views of queer students across the uni.

I have of course linked the digital edition here but it is released in print as well, a couple of thousand copies or so, I believe.
Role: Editor-in-chief
posted by AnhydrousLove (0 comments total)

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