Critical data essay/tutorial/experiment
August 11, 2018 10:02 AM   Subscribe

Critical data essay/tutorial/experiment
What does critical data science add to our understanding of sexual harassment in academia?

"In just a few months, a call for anonymous survey submissions in the popular The Professor Is In blog had resulted in over 2,300 reports of sexual harassment and assault.

Our group quickly realized a few things: this data was immense. It was messy in the sense that data folks often describe messy data: non-standard, full of missing values and strange capitalizations. It was also data that spoke to an immensity of pain, the loss of futures diverted and destroyed."

I wrote this as "a cautious introduction to NLP and Machine Learning methods in analyzing thousands of anonymous sexual harassment & assault reports." My hope is that it contributes something of value to ongoing conversations on sexual harassment and assault on campus, #MeTooPhD, the limits and possibilities of data science methods, and exploratory data analysis.
Role: Writer/developer
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