1,858 artworks of Adora
September 3, 2017 1:56 PM   Subscribe

1,858 artworks of Adora
It started over 7 years ago as a 365-photo-a-day-type tumblr for my baby daughter, and it keeps propagating. Right now, the best way to see (most of) the 1,858 different artworks of Adora (with a new one coming every day) is on instagram , a massive cache of original illustrations.

And as mentioned here, the project includes 30 other sites of art, poetry & music: 2 published books of songs that we wrote (and a third one on the way), a daily blog with over 5,200 photos and 60 topics (World War 3! Movie posters! Beatles!), over 50 of our songs which were put into music, and stories on Bulgarian TV.

Role: Single-dad
posted by growabrain (1 comment total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
This project was posted to MetaFilter by Room 641-A on October 5, 2017: 1,858 artworks of Adora

This is amazing!
posted by ellieBOA at 9:58 AM on September 6, 2017

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