One hour a week for political change
January 23, 2017 9:46 AM   Subscribe

One hour a week for political change
I started a new site based around the idea that long-term political involvement is often an overwhelming idea. But if we promise ourselves to do something one hour a week, we could change the world. Aimed at people who are looking for ways to get started in political activism, it currently consists of links to resources about how to find your representatives, and how to contact them effectively, but this is just the start. Over the next few weeks, I hope to build a much more interactive site that gamifies the process, allowing you to form teams, log time and contacts, and find & share new tactics for organizing. There are a ton of progressive resources out there, but getting started and making it a habit can be too daunting for a lot of folks. I hope to change that.
Role: Creator
posted by gofargogo (2 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

This is a great start for action! Is there a way to subscribe so I can have my one hour task sent to me?
posted by platinum at 6:19 PM on January 23, 2017

I'm working on that. I hope to have something ready at the end of the week. (I'm not a web designer by training so...)
posted by gofargogo at 9:04 AM on January 24, 2017

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