Parametric Greek Temples in Minecraft
May 18, 2015 12:41 PM   Subscribe

Parametric Greek Temples in Minecraft
This set of scripts allows a Minecraft user on a server running Scriptcraft to easily create a variety of Ancient Greek-style buildings. Sample video.
Role: programmer
posted by gwint (2 comments total)

Oh, that's great! I especially love the shots near the sample video of the temples integrated with the landscape; there's something about that juxtaposition vs. a free-standing building on a flat plain that really sells a sense of place, of architecture as something that exists in history.

Have you considered adding variations for, I guess, ruination of the generated temples? A variable amount of simulated decay and collapse of the structure, removing portions of the roof or of columns?
posted by cortex at 12:44 PM on May 18, 2015

Thanks! Yes, ruination for sure. One inspiration for the project were places like Petra and Lalibela, so integration with the landscape was key from the get-go.
posted by gwint at 12:52 PM on May 18, 2015

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