Best Left Unsent
July 24, 2013 2:34 PM   Subscribe

Best Left Unsent
Best left Unsent is a repository for all those letters you can't send. Why burn them when you can let the Internet read them?

Scathing resignation letters to your boss? Long letters to your ex seeking closure? Nasty customer service complaints that are super, super petty? Are you aching to send them but don't want any of the repercussions for letting them loose in the world?

No problem.

Send them on to Best Left Unsent, where all entries are anonymous and free of judgment.
Role: creator, webmistress
posted by mornie_alantie (1 comment total)

I'd darken up the text so it's closer to black instead of that light grey (or I'm going blind which is actually a strong possibility), but other than that it's brilliant.
posted by theichibun at 3:59 PM on July 24, 2013

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