Maslow's Graph
May 7, 2013 8:04 PM Subscribe
Maslow's Graph
Abraham Maslow promulgated one of the most enduring, if probably not very correct, models of human needs, basing it on the observation that needs are hierarchical. Then, textbook makers everywhere adopted a visual way of showing the hierarchy, which was interesting. Here's another way of showing the hierarchy.
Abraham Maslow promulgated one of the most enduring, if probably not very correct, models of human needs, basing it on the observation that needs are hierarchical. Then, textbook makers everywhere adopted a visual way of showing the hierarchy, which was interesting. Here's another way of showing the hierarchy.
Role: person who made things
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I've always found maslow's idea interesting, but I also found it highly flawed.
posted by cjorgensen at 8:14 AM on June 5, 2013