Chicago Food Bloggers
April 14, 2013 9:14 PM   Subscribe

Chicago Food Bloggers
I'm hoping it becomes a definitive directory of food bloggers in Chicago, the Chicago suburbs, and Northwest Indiana. I just finished designing and building the site and have sent out a few invitations, but it officially launches in two weeks.

Other cities, like Boston, Austin, New York, and LA have similar sites/groups and a great food town like Chicago deserves the same. In the future I'm hoping it becomes more of a resource for bloggers to meet up, get dinner together, go to conferences, learn from each other, etc.

If you have any suggestions, comments, etc. I would love to hear them. On the off chance you are a Chicago-based food blogger, feel free to join!
Role: Founder/Designer
posted by theuninvitedguest (2 comments total)

This is a good idea! I'm on a Thunderbolt monitor and your header looks pretty pixelated. I typically design headers like this in Illustrator, turn the text into outlines, and then "save for web". Otherwise the aesthetics and the navigation all make sense and I'm sure your fellow Chicagoans will appreciate the effort. Well done!
posted by madred at 5:01 PM on April 15, 2013

This *is* a good idea! I've got no tech feedback to offer but I am in Chicago and I am hungry, so I'm all for this. :) Also I am not a food blogger but lots of my friends are, so I will share the URL with them.
posted by deliciae at 11:55 AM on April 17, 2013

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