Cat Context Podcast (video games)
January 23, 2013 10:28 AM   Subscribe

Cat Context Podcast (video games)
Cat Context is "smart talk about PC games" served every other week by two women and one feller, all three in our mid-30s and full of sass. The most recent episode is about violence and video games, including modern challenges for parents, the quality of non-combat games, and the ESRB.

Cat Context has been around for almost 9 months now, and we attempt to balance smart-assery between friends with genuine intelligent discussion about video games. Three years ago we all killed internet dragons together in World of Warcraft, but now we talk about our adventures in gaming in a post-MMO landscape, including morality in games, the highs and lows of "gaming culture", and of course just the great things we've been playing lately.
Role: creator and editor
posted by jess (0 comments total)

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