Blind Carbon Copy
January 2, 2013 10:21 PM   Subscribe

Blind Carbon Copy
A new album about love, heartbreak, fractals, and the crystalline moss of self-replicators that blankets this planet.

Another DIY affair in the same general vein as the other stuff I've released. Downloadable for any price. Best listened through headphones, or maybe some conch shells with electromagnets hot-glued in. I haven't tried that yet, though, so proceed at your own peril, especially if you have no electromagnet on hand and are thus compelled to fashion one out of some coat hangers, contact paper, and a rusty tetanus nail.
Role: songwriter, performer, producer
posted by DNAshwood (1 comment total)

Excellent. I've been doing the self-produced, self-promoted roll-you-own band website & Bandcamp thing, and am finding it a hard row to hoe while raising kids & holding down a job. It feels thankless most of the time, so I thought I'd say thanks.
posted by Devils Rancher at 6:16 AM on January 8, 2013

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