The Conversation
October 10, 2012 11:23 AM   Subscribe

The Conversation
The Conversation is an 8-month long conversation about the future, based on the hypothesis that at certain times in history the established systems (of economics, society, religion, etc.) cease answering the important questions. At these moments, we posit, a conversation takes place which tears down the old and builds anew the systems of thought for the next era. Our questions: Are we in one of those moments? If so, is the conversation taking place? Is the conversation even possible in this age of siloed knowledge and specialization. We're trying to find it or, perhaps, to start it.

The core component of The Conversation is a (approximately) weekly podcast in which my partner in the project interviews some of the most interesting thinkers and doers in America. People like neo-primitivist philosopher John Zerzan. People like DIY biohacker Tim Cannon. People like object-oriented ontologist Timothy Morton. We talk to them about their visions of the future and the philosophical underpinnings of those visions. And we put them in indirect conversation with each other, bringing themes forward from conversation to conversation.

With 28 episodes in the can, we're off to a solid start and now want to get it out there to a larger audience. It seemed like something the MeFi community might be interested in, so here it is. Please let us know what you think.
Role: Co-host
posted by dj_fraudulent (0 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

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