They took my MacGuffin!
September 4, 2012 8:21 PM   Subscribe

They took my MacGuffin!
So, earlier this year my friend Steve called me up and asked if I wanted to write some music for this secret film project he was doing, but everything had to be done in a couple days and kept secret. I was all, "Yeahh!"

Turns out it was a comedy/chase film, culminating in a fight scene outside Austin Studios, where he was showing it to his unsuspecting girlfriend and twenty close friends.

Fourth wall was physically destroyed, and the fight continued into the theater, followed by an excellently misty eyed wedding proposal at 00:10:46.
Role: composer of most of the music
posted by hanoixan (2 comments total)

That was cool! Your scoring was spot on, well done!

But I couldn't tell, was that you spoofing Kill Bill or just ripped from the movie's soundtrack?
posted by carsonb at 11:04 PM on September 4, 2012

Thanks! Yes, that's why I said most and not all :) The director really really liked that clip from Ennio Morricone as they prepare to fight, and he liked the generic temp chase music at the beginning of the car chase enough to keep it.

For some reason while I was writing the fight music, all I could think of was Kirk and Spock.
posted by hanoixan at 9:11 AM on September 5, 2012

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