Randophonic - a radio show's blog
August 10, 2012 11:18 AM   Subscribe

Randophonic - a radio show's blog
Randophonic is a blog for a music-based radio show that airs weekly (most weeks anyway) c/o CiTR.FM.101.9, Vancouver, Canada (University of British Columbia). Podcast links are easily accessible via the site. Since November-2011, Randophonic's main focus has been the All Vinyl Countdown + Apocalypse (the 1,111 Greatest Records You Probably Haven't Heard), as selected by Philip Random over ten years ago (and then he disappeared). Lately, the countdown just passed its midway point. Also, as I've just passed my 4th Anniversary as a numbered MeFite, the timing feels right to finally share this project.

Who is Philip Random exactly? That's not an easy question to answer. On one level, he's an online fictional construct whose name at least has been active on Metafilter for a while now. On another, he's a genuine human being who may or may not still be alive (not unlike that cat in Shrodinger's box).

Am I looking for feedback on the site? Absolutely. I'm pretty happy with the basic content (text, music and video links etc supporting the ongoing weekly programs). It's all the other sort of social networking related stuff I'm concerned about. Being middle-aged and all, I tend to suck at that kind of stuff.
Role: site designer, writer, radio show host + programmer
posted by philip-random (0 comments total)

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