Trending syria news, tweets, videos and images tracker
July 14, 2012 4:48 PM   Subscribe

Trending syria news, tweets, videos and images tracker
I've put together some of the software I wrote to help me track the Libyan revolution and have pointed it at everything discussing Syria on twitter. It ranks all the news articles, tweets, videos and images discussing twitter as well as the related hashtags and users with the most influence. You can see the most popular content for the last hour, for the last 24 hour period, or any random day in the last week.

I also generate article summaries (pulling what my algorithm believes to be the most important sentences from the article) and have put them next to the article links.

Additionally, I've made a twitter account that uses this same data to tweet the top 5-8 articles about Syria every hour. You can just follow this account if you want a few articles every hour about Syria.

Although traffic about Libya on twitter has died down in recent months, I still also have the same system processing content about Libya

Note: I can actually point this at any arbitrary topic that has high enough traffic on twitter if anyone has a special request.
Role: programmer
posted by mulligan (3 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

Thanks !
posted by wuwei at 7:09 PM on July 14, 2012


Can you do it for Justin Bieber?
posted by carsonb at 7:18 PM on July 14, 2012

carsonb, actually I did have it running against Bieber a few months ago, just to see how it handled something at level of volume. I'll go ahead and turn it on for Bieber again, but I will warn you, there's the potential for more bogus junk in there, I'll try to check it regularly and tweak the filters for Bieber. It will start showing content in an hour or so, but the history will be useless until it has data for that day.
posted by mulligan at 8:02 PM on July 14, 2012

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