Goodbye Kitty
October 24, 2011 4:06 PM   Subscribe

Goodbye Kitty
This short horror-comedy film, Goodbye Kitty, which I helped produce, was originally created for a weekend shorts contest that involved writing, shooting, and editing the entire film in 51 hours. This is a more refined version of the film after a little more time was spent on post-production.

"Blonde, beautiful, and promiscuous Morgan has no luck with men - they never stay for long, not even for sex. Is her jealous roommate sabotaging her? Or is something even more sinister keeping Morgan from getting some action?"
Role: producer
posted by jimw (1 comment total)

That was cute. What she did when she turned over and went to sleep, hilarious. I've seen that somewhere else too, recently. I loved the guys too. Good mix of goofy, serious and actually scary. I likes.
posted by cashman at 6:05 AM on October 25, 2011

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