Gen Xtinct: The lost tastes, toys and trends of the 70s and 80s
April 13, 2010 10:25 PM Subscribe
Gen Xtinct: The lost tastes, toys and trends of the 70s and 80s
Pudding Pops? Marathon candy bars? Schoolhouse Rock? Time for Timer? Choco-Diles? Hugo, Man of a Thousand Faces? If your nostalgia bells are going off, this blog, and our upcoming book, are for you.
We (Gael Fashingbauer Cooper and Brian Bellmont) are putting our retro memories of the lost toys, tastes and trends of the 1970s and 1980s into a book, which is set to come out Summer 2011. But in the meantime, we're blogging memories and newsy bits about the things of our past. So flip up the collar of that polo shirt and dig in. We're off on a guided tour through a childhood of lost memories, back to the days when MTV played music videos and Quisp and Quake duked it out for cereal supremacy. Memories are made of this.
Pudding Pops? Marathon candy bars? Schoolhouse Rock? Time for Timer? Choco-Diles? Hugo, Man of a Thousand Faces? If your nostalgia bells are going off, this blog, and our upcoming book, are for you.
We (Gael Fashingbauer Cooper and Brian Bellmont) are putting our retro memories of the lost toys, tastes and trends of the 1970s and 1980s into a book, which is set to come out Summer 2011. But in the meantime, we're blogging memories and newsy bits about the things of our past. So flip up the collar of that polo shirt and dig in. We're off on a guided tour through a childhood of lost memories, back to the days when MTV played music videos and Quisp and Quake duked it out for cereal supremacy. Memories are made of this.
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