December 1, 2009 4:59 PM   Subscribe

Inspired in part by Infinite Summer and DHarbin's Dune Book Club, I've decided to start a Dune-reading book club during the months of December and January. I've started a blog/homepage, @dunecember, #Dunecember, and even a Google Wave and so far there's only a few readers. The pacing is such that it should not be a burden, even during busy finals/holiday times.
posted by sleeping bear (5 comments total)

I think this is a great idea. I won't join you because I just read it a month ago, plus I have other reading plans for my holiday, but I'll definitely follow along. Why the slow (8pp a day) reading pace? It's kind of a slow starter, but I bet everyone will be chomping at the bit within a hundred pages or so.
posted by farishta at 5:24 PM on December 1, 2009

(btw I would definitely follow along if you continue in the series. I read the second book, which I found equally disappointing and badass, but I've heard great things about 3 and 4...)
posted by farishta at 5:27 PM on December 1, 2009

Just re-read it myself or I'd be interested.
posted by grobstein at 7:54 PM on December 1, 2009

My idea with the slow reading pace was to encourage casual readers and people who "don't have the time to read a book" as well as making it easy to catch up for those who don't have the book yet or who hear about it late.
posted by sleeping bear at 10:19 PM on December 1, 2009

Okay, definitely starting this after my next trip to the library. My friend just mentioned sandworms to me over the phone and that finally gave me the impetus to read the book sooner rather than later. (I haven't seen the film adaptation either, so it'll be interesting to compare the two after Dunecember's over!)
posted by cobwebberies at 5:14 PM on December 12, 2009

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