Ultimate resource for people who create stuff online.
January 24, 2008 9:03 PM

Ultimate resource for people who create stuff online.
This site is pretty much a collection of links that I've found very useful over the last year, or so. First, and foremost, I must thank Vitaly.Friedman for getting the vast majority of them together all in one place for the first time. I used his version of this page for many months before taking on the not small task of creating my own. Why would I do such a thing? I wanted a list of resources more tailored to my tastes and needs. There was about a 5% broken link ratio on the other one; as well as tons of links to German, Russian, and Spanish language sites. My horizons being a bit narrower, I wanted to cull some of the noise (to me) from the signal. I also love information design and enjoyed the challenge of arranging such a vast amount of information in an easily navigable and understandable way. I'll do my best to keep it updated, to cull broken links as they arise, and I'll be expanding on it considerably as I continue to find and evaluate resources for web developers. If you come across a broken link, or know of a resource that you'd like to see added to this page, let me know at the suggest/report a link page. I hope this list of resources is as useful to you as it has been, and will be, to me.
posted by wmeredith (0 comments total) 4 users marked this as a favorite

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