7 posts tagged with book and humor.
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Pick, Pack, or Die

Step into the infinite world of Zing Warehouse as employees try to survive a delivery drone uprising. Half a decade ago, I asked a handful of MeFis if they’d be interested in being a beta reader for a novel inspired by Carl Hiaasen. Thanks to their feedback and the help of many others, I’m happy to announce that my comedy thriller Pick, Pack, or Die is ready for delivery! [more inside]
posted by systematize on Jan 16, 2025 - 3 comments

Herebe: all you need to get started is a great idea.

There are dragons in Silicon Valley. Real, flapping, scaly ones, with teeth and claws; the kind that'll burn your Lower Haight apartment to cinders before you can pivot your way out of there. What's more, it looks like they can be harnessed and sold as a service. Can you say "opportunity"? Herebe is a short novel about Silicon Valley, startups, the battle for ideas ... and dragons. It's my first, and I would love MetaFilter's collective opinion. You can buy it on Amazon.com.
posted by bwerdmuller on Jul 13, 2013 - 2 comments

Our Curious Obsession With the Ridiculous

For its ten-year anniversary, online magazine The Millions has kicked off its new series of shorter-form ebook originals with: Epic Fail: Bad Art, Viral Fame, and the History of the Worst Thing Ever. [more inside]
posted by cmaxmagee on Feb 4, 2013 - 0 comments


Hey! I wrote another book! My first book Why Not A Spider Monkey Jesus? was about a talking chimpanzee who becomes a televangelist. My new book NewTown is about a cybernetic man-plane battling a con artist for control of an alien spacecraft. Available as a Print Edition or ebook with cover art by Michael Kupperman!
posted by Fuzzy Monster on Oct 30, 2012 - 1 comment

Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow

My middle grade children's horror novel, Skary Childrin and the Carousel of Sorrow, has been published by Knopf and is officially available today! I both wrote and illustrated it, and it's loosely based on my art and animated series, Childrin R Skary. Book trailer here.
posted by katillathehun on Aug 23, 2011 - 2 comments


BASIC DECENCY is a print collection containing the first 44 installments of my webcomic Gentleman's Gentleman, instructing one in the fine art of not being an uncivilized ass. On top of the 44 comic strips, the bonus materials include an illustrated guide to personality types, an awesome Interrobang-created guide to old-timey gentlemanry, an essay by Rebecca Collins on arch-Gentleman Dominick Dunne, and a very embarrassing About The Author photograph.
posted by COBRA! on Oct 19, 2010 - 2 comments

Chit-Chat of Humor, Wit, and Anecdote

"A mixture of fact, fun, fancy, philosophy, and freaks of adventure." Blogging a humor book from 1857 (hot on the heels of this other Victorian joke blog). Updated daily.
posted by imposster on May 13, 2009 - 1 comment

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