2 posts tagged with aliens by robocop is bleeding.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.

The Corey Press

I've just completed a major revamp of my website, The Corey Press, where I keep all my weird wooden blockprints. Need some medieval alien abductions? Done! Old school Pokemon battles? Sure! More Cthulhu Mythos than you can shake a stick at? You betcha. I'm really proud of my newest piece, a Mothman-inspired ouija board.
posted by robocop is bleeding on Sep 15, 2016 - 6 comments

The Corey Press

So for the past several months, I've been carving and pressing prints on various Lovecraftian or UFO themes. Most of my stuff gets pressed onto wood, but I've been experimenting with various kozo papers, bristol, and cloth. [more inside]
posted by robocop is bleeding on Jun 28, 2015 - 13 comments

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