Metropolis, the Audio Drama
January 27, 2025 5:36 PM   Subscribe

Metropolis, the Audio Drama
A murder mystery in neon utopia. An original science fiction audio drama. Come join us in the radiant city... if you can survive it.


While ace reporter Nan Kanally and the rest of the world struggle through post-war poverty, Metropolis has assembled a neon utopia on an icy, distant island. It’s an electronic heaven made possible by a fleet of astonishing autonomous robots.

But Metropolis holds its secrets tightly. The only word that gets out is from the few reporters they invite. One of them is Nan’s best friend, the sportswriter Stanley Bronfels. But when Stanley disappears, it falls to Nan to discover the secrets of Metropolis… or find oblivion herself.


The first six episodes are available here:


The first season runs thirteen, with the remaining episodes coming out now through the first half of 2025.


Audio drama is an incredible medium, I had a story to tell, and I was fortunate enough to work with an incredible team of actors and creatives here in Seattle to tell it. (It also helps when you're married to a world-class dramaturg and theater director.)

I think this show has turned out pretty darn well. If you've never listened to an audio drama before, you might be surprised at how much you like it. And if this isn't your first rodeo, then allow me to make your listening queue just that much longer. XD

Role: Writer, Producer, Sound Designer
posted by workingdankoch (2 comments total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

[A city, and story, so good, we've added it the sidebar and Best Of blog! Thank you for sharing! ]
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 4:37 AM on February 6 [1 favorite]

Aw pshaw 🥰, that's incredibly kind! I'm really glad you like it!
posted by workingdankoch at 1:28 PM on February 7

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