Social Media Mockery
May 3, 2009 10:33 AM   Subscribe

Social Media Mockery
Some content may be slightly not safe for work, or slightly offensive in a PG-13 sort of way. I'm not even sure what I hope to accomplish with this site. Some time ago I started beating up on marketers on twitter. I don't get them, and I really don't think they get the medium, so I heap abuse on them whenever I can. I know it's a quixotic quest, but I've been having fun doing it. It's also a bit cathartic to to se nd them a "direct message" with the puppypotpie URL in retaliation to their unsolicited DMs.

A lot of people won't get many of the jokes. Some people won't get any. Some will get them, but find few funny.

I spent considerable time on the CSS on this site, getting it to appear as closely to the output generated by MS Word or MS Frontpage as I could. I'm still tweaking it. I'm sure someone who knows this stuff better than I do could have gotten it better faster. If you have no idea of what kind of sites I am parodying here, either count yourself lucky or drop me an email, and I will send you a slew of them.

I managed to pick up an illustrator along the way. I have no real idea how we got going with this. If you reload the page you will get a new cartoon. We plan to put a new cartoon into the mix every week and probably retire one of the ones currently up there. We also have a newsletter that gives you a cartoon at least a week before it lands on the site, some social media mockery, and other stupidity (like puppy pictures).

If you have no interest in social media or marketing, or social media marcketing, then this site isn't for you, as it's mostly inside jokes not worth explaining. Be sure to reload to get additional cartoons.

In it's current state, and current popularity, I do not consider this FPP worthy. It's a piss take, nothing more. I'm just sharing.
posted by cjorgensen (2 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

posted by delmoi at 3:03 PM on May 3, 2009

I heartily approve of your silly pointless crusade.
posted by The Devil Tesla at 3:10 PM on May 3, 2009

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