cortex's votes
Displaying vote 541 to 560 of 630

Question Party
Maybe it's best to leave you with the words of Will Carlough, creator of Question Party: "If I have to explain Question Party to you, I can't explain Question Party to you."
posted by the jam at 12:36 PM on July 17, 2007

Public Domain Photos
If you're looking for public domain photos, the US government is a good place to start. But finding images on a specific topic can be tough, so I've started a directory of photo galleries from various federal agencies. Enjoy!
posted by Sparky11 at 6:58 PM on June 20, 2007

OK X: A Tribute to Radiohead's OK Computer
It took a lot of sweat, voicemails, uploads, and emails, but we've managed to put together a fully legal (thanks, compulsory licensing!) tribute album to Radiohead's OK Computer, which was released 10 years ago this month. Doveman, My Brightest Diamond, Chris Funk (of The Decemberists), Cold War Kids, Vampire Weekend, Slaraffenland, Marissa Nadler, Mobius Band, The Twilight Sad, David Bazan (the Pedro the Lion guy), and B-sides to come. Because we could only license a certain number of downloads, there's sort of a "free beer while it lasts" kind of thing going on- come 'n get it!
posted by paul_smatatoes at 10:42 AM on July 10, 2007

Myspace Pictures
Some of my favorite nostalgic myspace photos-- cute girls, pretty faces, twee kids, emo kids, folk punk kids, jewish kids, etc.. might be good for inspiration, fashion ideas, making friends (NOT for anything creepy please)
posted by petsounds at 9:10 PM on June 19, 2007

SquiggleBooth was created as a playground for videobloggers. The content spans over a variety of video genres including shorts, comedies, documentaries, abstract, and personal. Here are a couple more recommendations: Extreme Skipping, Blurring Fat, Indian Giver, Thoughts on the Road and Been You All Along.
posted by Ajit AP at 8:09 AM on May 25, 2007

Exploring the world of Japanese whisky
Japan is the second biggest producer of single malt whisky in the world. Its malts have been winning top honours at international tastings, beating drinks from the most prestigious Scottish, Irish and American distilleries, and yet little is known about this 90 year distilling tradition. Nonjatta (which can be roughly translated as "drunk it all" in English") is where I am collecting all the information I can about this fascinating corner of the spirit world. I have been tasting some very nice whisky along the way.
posted by chaschas at 10:02 PM on May 21, 2007

pictures of Suburban Houses
I've started taking pictures of new construction, cookie cutter suburban houses. And once you start doing that, it's hard to stop, because it keeps popping up everywhere you look. Let me know what you think.
posted by Outlawyr at 1:15 PM on May 14, 2007

I just took 100 photos in 100 days
Frustrated with my lack of photographic output, I resolved, starting Feb 1, to take and post a photo every day for 100 days. I just finished today!
posted by aubilenon at 8:33 AM on May 12, 2007

Playing Here
Local live music search, maps, feeds, etc. A while back I got tired of visiting my friends' websites to find out when and where their bands were playing. I wrote some scripts to check band sites and notify me of new shows near me. Those scripts became Playing Here.
posted by scottreynen at 11:12 PM on May 7, 2007

Random Pirate Curse Generator
There is no more important skill for a pirate to learn than the art of cursing. One day, you may attain a level of mastery like that of the notorious Red Rackham, who--as he stood on the gallows--took advantage of an obscure law forbidding the hanging of a pirate in mid-curse, and launched into a single interjection of such length and complexity that he was able to delay his execution by a full twenty-four hours. Until you reach that level of skill, when you need to express surprise, anger, affection, or any other emotion, simply load this page. Each time you load it, it will provide a brand new, randomly chosen exclamation, suitable for any occasion. (Created to help publicize a book I wrote.)
posted by yankeefog at 8:54 AM on May 7, 2007

Steve Goldberg and the Arch Enemies
INGREDIENTS: Guitars, voices, violin, harpsichord, tuba, flute, cello, trombone, vibraphone, viola, glockenspiel, piano, trumpet, marimba, french horn, contrabass, trombone. Six months in a recording studio. A website by mefi's own armoured ant. 10 tracks of chamber-pop goodness.

WARNING: For external use only. If accidentally ingested, contact all of your friends immediately. Recommended for pregnant women, people with heart problems, and the elderly. If a rash develops, you must be doing something wrong.
posted by ludwig_van at 1:26 PM on April 24, 2007

Re-Use, Re-Purpose, Re-Contextualize
I scan thematically eclectic pictures from 20 to 40 year-old books and post the images. Anyone who wants can download and manipulate the images, which I will promptly post to the site.
posted by sswiller at 3:57 PM on April 30, 2007

One pound for RAINN.
The Harvey Girls have released an EP called Declinate through SVC Records. All proceeds, including the label's, are going to the The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network. As usual, it's chock full of mefites: sleepy pete, cortex, and I all contributed; the scintillating iconomy provided beautiful cover art; the sublime taz provided gorgeous web design; and the smoldering DeepFriedTwinkies provided recording space. We love them all, and you too, metafilter.
posted by melissa may at 7:25 AM on April 26, 2007

Lawyerbear: The Leader In Ursine Litigation and Defense
Lawyerbear is a bear that is a lawyer.
posted by beaucoupkevin at 1:17 PM on April 3, 2007

Truly Awful Stuff
Brett and I present the insanely tacky clocks, knick knacks and art we've tortured each other with over the last few years along with reader contributions.

Highlights include: the anatomically correct pegacorn clock, teenage Jesus and the toy molotov cocktail, for kids!
posted by joe beggar at 4:38 AM on April 1, 2007

Smallist: Better living through Smallistry
My new blog is about all things small: Small products, tips on how to live more efficiently, and never biting off more than you can chew. It's a bigger topic than you might think: in the last two weeks I've covered (or lightly dusted, really) 10 watt linux boxes, small sailboats, portion control, nanofiction, and electric cars. And there's a lot more small out there. Read the first post for a more in-depth description.
posted by condour75 at 3:26 PM on March 21, 2007

mefi universe search engine
I created several custom google co-op search engines, each with matching search extensions. One of them searches the entire mefi universe, including metachat, monkeyfilter, 9622, and the sites of mefi users who volunteer (or are volunteered by others). Tabs let you refine search by the blue, green, etc., and once user sites are added, the results will be weighed so the results will be: main site, fan sites, user sites (or whatever is most popular). This is similar to mathowie's recent offering, but covers more ground (if it's the sort of ground you want covered). Also, a search engine for finding screenplays, an engine for searching all CondeNast sites, and a link to my recently-started blog, where I mostly ruminate on TV and movies.
posted by bingo at 8:50 AM on February 16, 2007

It's A Trap
April 29th 1982, EMI - Elstree Studios, England. A frustrated Richard Marquand is not getting the performance he needs from one of his key actors, Timothy Rose. In a last ditch effort, Marquand shows Rose, playing the role of Admiral Ackbar, a number of films to help him prepare for his final scene of "Return of the Jedi"...

A silly idea taken way too far. Here's our chapter in the epic saga that is the Admiral Ackbar "It's a trap!" meme. Brilliant suggestions for other traps might spawn a follow-up video. Created by myself and nathancaswell.
posted by fidgets at 10:43 AM on February 5, 2007

Dubya The Menace
I saw The Nietzsche Family Circus a few months ago and I thought the something could be done in a similar manner for the purpose of political satire. I still need to add more quotes to the database, but it is a work in progress.
posted by GavinR at 8:04 AM on January 31, 2007

The Man Who Was Thursday
The Man Who Was Thursday was named after the 1907 novel of the same name by G.K. Chesterton. The plot involves a secret society of anarchists who title themselves after days of the week. In February, I, John Herman, formed a band with an incredibly diverse group of musicians, wrote and recorded an original album in 28 days. To this day, some of the original band members have never met. The album was made through email collaboration and other covert means. We are preparing for our second album. Want to join?
posted by john.c.herman at 6:27 PM on September 22, 2006

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