forbiddencabinet's votes
Displaying vote 1 to 4 of 4

Any movie scene, rewritten like a Michael Bay movie
Needs More Boom is proof that sometimes you just need to do something stupid for no other reason than "because I can." Just type the scene, hit the 💥LFG💥 button, and see how much better if would have been if Bay had shot it.
posted by missjenny at 5:57 AM on October 18, 2023 - 12 comments

The Real Problem With the New Dungeons and Dragons License is Capitalism
I made this YouTube video because I think the controversy around the new OGL is a great moment to really look at how capitalism attacks the commons and how collective resistance is a path to create economic democracy. Plus it seemed like a great chance to spread some communist propaganda to nerds!
posted by overglow at 7:03 AM on January 26, 2023 - 3 comments

This Is What Democracy Look Like... Somewhere
I've always been fascinated by how elections are run around the world. Democracy in the US is crumbling, but it's not always clear what the alternative could be. So I decided to start a podcast where I ask average people how democracy works in their country, and whether they understand and/or trust it. Do they feel like they are truly represented? What other groups or institutions count as part of the democratic process (e.g., the military, students, unions, etc.)? Does federalism always lead to a 'state's rights' kind of scenario? The result is the DEMOCRACY IN... PODCAST.
posted by EllaEm at 10:27 AM on December 9, 2022 - 6 comments

Early Collaborative Games of Fantasy and Imagination
A few months ago, I posted a rough translation of the rules to a collaborative fairy tale storytelling game more than 200 years old. I've now put that onto a Neocities site with many additional translations: a total of 5 variants of the same game re-published many times between 1801 and 1867, several variants of a game the same age that involves role-playing, and several variants of even older poetry and nonsense games related to the Surrealist game "Exquisite Corpse." There are also pages and translations explaining the history of the games' penalty phase, offering advice on running demos of the storytelling game especially using motifs from the earliest "secondary world" fantasy novel, and possible round-robin storytelling from the 1600s-1700s, as well as links to many additional sources for parlor games from 1551 to 1899.
posted by Wobbuffet at 11:58 PM on August 5, 2022 - 3 comments

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