languagehat's votes
Displaying vote 1 to 8 of 8

Circle Into Square Online Magazine
I've been undertaking a series of interviews at Circle Into Square called 'Everybody Knows You're Not from Here' for about the last year. Subjects interviewed live in the Portland, OR, area and include Ian from the music blog Musicophilia and mastermind of the 1981 box set, the married duo of writer and comic artist Sara Ryan and Steve Lieber, rockers Wow & Flutter, and a dude we all know who really likes donuts. I've just started another series called 'Not Quite 20 Questions' with the inaugural interview being Kliph Scurlock, drummer for The Flaming Lips.
posted by sleepy pete at 10:00 PM on January 16, 2010 - 5 comments

The Invention of the Letter
-- a rare hand-drawn book by Beat poet and Zen teacher Philip Whalen. Though lesser-known than his peers Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg, Whalen was a wonderful and subtle poet who was also one of the first Americans to study Zen in Japan. (He appears in Kerouac novels like The Dharma Bums under pseudonyms like Warren Coughlin and Ben Fagin, "a quiet, bespectacled booboo, smiling over books.") He met Gary Snyder and Lew Welch at Reed College, where he studied calligraphy with the illustrious Lloyd Reynolds. While in Kyoto in 1966, Whalen sketched out a charming fable about the invention of language in the Garden of Eden that was eventually published by pioneering communard Irving Rosenthal and given away for free at a 1968 reading in San Francisco. The Invention of the Letter has since become extremely scarce and is now available online for curious scholars and Beat fellow travelers.
posted by digaman at 5:46 PM on April 24, 2008

Nominate your 2007 Word of the Year.
The American Dialect Society's word-of-the-year vote—the longest-running such vote anywhere—takes place in Chicago in January at its annual meeting. The academic society is now accepting word-of-the-year nominations at Word of the Year is interpreted in its broader sense as "vocabulary item"—not just words but phrases. Your nominations do not have to be brand-new, but they should be newly prominent or notable in the past year, and should have appeared frequently in the national discourse. The word-of-the-year vote is not a formal induction of words into the American language, but a whimsical affair. Nominate accordingly.
posted by Mo Nickels at 10:14 AM on November 17, 2007

Online Farmers' Market System
After running my local online farmers' market for five years using a mess of bastardized open source php projects and unsuccessfully trying to get other markets to follow my steps, I finally re-wrote the entire system from the ground up as a fully hosted, drop-dead simple, ruby on rails application. In less than 15 minutes, a market (or a single grower) can go from nothing to selling produce to local customers.

My own market was moved over to the new system this week. You can find it at

In the several months it took me to write this, several other groups of growers followed closely behind, using what I had working to get their own markets started. In the upcoming months, you'll find markets across the country using this system. And judging from how it's changed the way people in north-east Georgia buy locally grown food, it may do for locally grown produce what has done for books.
posted by ewagoner at 4:25 PM on January 22, 2007

Bulgarian Folk Orgy
MeFi's own mykescipark will be sharing way too much of what he loves about Bulgarian Folk music on on Harvard University's radio station, WHRB (95.3 FM / from 10pm Friday to 9am Saturday and 10pm Saturday to 11am Sunday. If you're not in the area, catch it streaming or revel at the oddity of the WHRB Orgy tradition.
posted by Gucky at 12:03 PM on January 25, 2007

Join EFF! Yes!
I work at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. We're responsible for destroying the fabric of society by fighting for civil liberties in the digital world. We uncovered the concealed dots that color laser printers mark each page with; we challenge companies like Diebold and Sony, sometimes in court. We defend and advise bloggers and other online speakers against threats to their free speech rights. We have a new fundraising project to encourage bloggers to join us. If you could put up a badge or better still, join, that would rock.
posted by ntk at 2:00 PM on November 16, 2005

If you have had any experience with the Oxford English Dictionary (OED), you are familiar with its astonishing size and depth of coverage of the English language. And yet, it's not the most readable of books, is it? The OEDILF Project set out to change this. We wanted to make the OED more reader-friendly and what is the most reader-friendly of all forms of writing? Why, the limerick, of course! To this end, our goal was to rewrite the entire OED in limerick form. To date, more than 21,000 limericks have been entered, defining everything from a capella to Bnai Brith, and growing every day.
posted by toxic at 7:58 PM on November 8, 2005

The Wild Farewell
The Harvey Girls (me and sleepy pete) released our latest record in September. Three of the songs, Girls Sing, Practicing, and Mountain are available for free download. In addition, the cover art was designed by interrobang, who also plays out with us during live shows, and lettered by taz -- friendships and collaborations that likely would never have happened without MeFi.
posted by melissa may at 11:26 PM on November 8, 2005

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