7 posts tagged with shortstories and stories.
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The Man Who Left
The Man Who Left is a short fairy tale about a man sent to war, forced to fight incomprehensible battles in unknowable places for increasingly unclear reasons, who has become so weary and distraught by this life of constant toil and terror that it is only his dreams of returning to his wife and child that keep him sane.
It's the 150th (and final) tale in my Thousand And One Tales project (previously on projects: 1, 2, 3, 4), which I originally planned to keep up for another 851 stories, but in the end failed spectacularly to do so. But still I tried... [more inside]
Free e-book "Short Stories Collected by brainwane: A 2020 Meta-Collection"
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A crowd-sourced short story MetaFilter meta-collection spreadsheet! Anyone can add to it directly. Or add to it by filling out this form. Sort by publisher, author, word count, audio, buyability, and more. [more inside]
Trick Or Treating By Car (and other stories)
Seven stories for Halloween: Trick Or Treating By Car (a story about sadness and loss, death and dying);
Separations (a tale of parallel worlds, break-ups, and breakdowns);
Magic Trick (the story of a disappearance);
The Wedding (unsettling events at a royal wedding);
Front Door (an ever-escalating haunting);
Flood (the strange tale of a crocodile home invasion);
The Second Moon (a final tale of slightly overwrought melancholy).
A thousand and one tales.
A thousand and one tales is an ongoing and ever-growing collection of new fairy tales and folk tales, with a new story posted every Friday.
The 30 stories so far include retellings of famous fairy tales (Ariadne and the Minotaur in The King's Daughter And The King's Son; Cinderella in Lonely Isobel; Bluebeard in The Three Doors And The Fourth); stories about good queens (The Lunar Queen; The King And The Light), bad kings (The King And His Weeping Wife), and even worse fathers (The Wolves In The Woods; The Farmer's Daughters); transformations (The Unhappy Bride); beasts (The Three Sorrowful Sisters; A Long Winter's Night); and the telling of tales itself (Old Tales Are Made New In The Telling). [more inside]
PITH: Extremely short stories
I wrote a book of 100 very (very) short stories. Each story is around 100 words. They're mostly all dark/strange/grim, but some of them are funny, too. I self published and released it this week. It's available as ebook, paperback or free PDF download and released under Creative Commons license.
Stoplight Stories
26 tales, each starting with a letter of the alphabet, each written in one sitting. [more inside]
Stories and Essays based on Therapy
Barbara Latham is a therapist from New Zealand who practices in London. (She is also my mother-in-law, and I am also her editor). She's a published writer of short stories who recently asked me to start putting them up on a bare bones website. Here they are. [more inside]