4 posts tagged with ios and mobile.
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iOS app for WFDF Rules of Ultimate (frisbee). [more inside]
Mission Me is a smartphone game that promotes creativity in your real life
Inspired by a popular art installation I made for Burning Man, I've now crafted the app version! Mission Me encourages you towards creative experiments and real-life adventures for self-growth and hilarity!
xn--qeiaa.ws: Emoji Domain Registration
Domains can be more than just letters and numbers. Most people have no idea they can just type a bunch of hearts in their address bar and go to a domain... and yet, it works!
App search engine that filters out fake reviews
While developing mobile apps, I realized how rife the App Store is with rating/review manipulation. So, I created apprecs.com, a facade for the store that allows you to filter out many of the fake, coerced, or otherwise manipulated reviews. You can also filter by other criteria such as how recently the app was last updated and age/gender of the typical user. What do you think? I'm getting started on adding Android (Google Play) support today. [more inside]