9 posts tagged with humor and bot.
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Trump Learned
Tweets when the president learns (and tweets) a word for the first time. Like @nyt_first_said, but applied to the president. [more inside]
Mk Mrc Grt Gn! A Disemvoweling Twitter Bot
Inspired by a tweet from (metafilter's own) Maciej Cegłowski, I made a dumb Twitter bot using Glitch one night that disemvowels 45's mouthspew on Twitter as if he were a dumb troll trying his best to annoy the mods. The resulting tweets are collected at @Dsmvwld_PTS. [more inside]
Pokémon in Space, Pokémon in the NYPL
It's a pair of Twitter bots: Pokémon in the NYPL, which sends Pokémon into the depths of the New York Public Library Digital Collections, and Pokémon in Space!, which uses the Astronomy Picture of the Day as a guide for Pokémon space exploration. [more inside]
Otherfoot: Only Pen and Paper Required
I put together a website dedicated to my all-time favorite game, Otherfoot (mentioned previously in my 2006 FPP about ink-and-paper games). Otherfoot is a card game, played with a newly-created homemade deck every time. Gameplay is similar to Apples to Apples or Cards Against Humanity (pre-dating the latter), with key differences laid out in the FAQ (and reposted below). The game concept was developed by friends of my brother, and I've derived a lot of joy from playing Otherfoot with old and new friends for more than 10 years. [more inside]
TauntBot is an exercise in generated language. It uses a rather huge and growing corpus of hand-selected words, and an interesting set of rules, for hand-crafting them into verbose insults. It then posts these to Twitter. It replies to people, I'm hoping to get it to trade barbs with them. Yes, I'm a terrible person. Now, with that out of the way... [more inside]
Twitter bots 4 momz!
A trio of parenting-related Twitter bots: @FakeMomAdvice, @FakePregAdvice, and @TrendyNames. [more inside]
Knock knock jokes via autocomplete
This bot creates knock knock jokes by hitting up autocomplete on Google. This is perhaps the dumbest bot of all time. And yet! I am compelled to share amazing jokes like these.
What Do You Want, A Medal?
@wdywam gives self-congratulatory twitterers what they claim to deserve.