6 posts tagged with gamedesign.
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Penga, a penguin physics game

I recently integrated Planck.js into a client's product and wanted to reuse that knowledge to make a fun game, so I picked an idea and tweeted along as I refined & built it. [more inside]
posted by malevolent on Jun 10, 2022 - 7 comments

BOKEH game

I wanted to make a simple webgame similar to those old Flash ones where you eat smaller fish & avoid bigger ones. A 'budget' of 1-1.5 days seemed sensible and I tweeted updates while building it.
posted by malevolent on Apr 21, 2022 - 5 comments

Civic Games Contest

Announcing the 2017 Civic Games contest, a design competition for analog games that seek to promote the understanding and/or practice of good citizenship! [more inside]
posted by anotherpanacea on Mar 5, 2017 - 2 comments


For the past few years, I have been trying to learn how to do all the various creative and technical things that go into making a video game - programming, graphics, interface, writing, gameplay design - in addition to music and sound, which I do for a living. The 2013 Global Game Jam was this past weekend, and over two sleep-deprived days I completed my first solo project: A game for OS X and Windows where you punch spaceships with your dick. [more inside]
posted by jake on Jan 28, 2013 - 1 comment

Happy Hour

Happy Hour is a card game based around serving drinks. Currently in alpha/playtesting phase. [more inside]
posted by symbioid on Jan 17, 2011 - 0 comments

Vpered - Abstract Strategy Board Game

I'm a budding game designer and am working out the rules to an Abstract Strategy Board Game... At the linked site you can see the ruleset as it exists now. You can create the pieces using coins (Quarters for large, Nickels for medium and Dimes for small) and draw a grid on paper. I have a fimo set I made. I will be uploading pics eventually. I would love any feedback in terms of gameplay experiences (if anyone decides to try playing it themselves), rules clarification (for those who may have experience in game design, those who are curious about the rules, but not necessarily want to actually play test), etc... If anyone has any sort of advice on how to proceed, I would greatly appreciate that as well. I think this has potential, but it's still quite an alpha release. Never even playtested with other people yet. I hope this is a valid entry into "projects".
posted by symbioid on Sep 19, 2010 - 2 comments

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