5 posts tagged with Ukulele and music.
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Ukulele song book index, and chord tracker

I like to play the ukulele everyday. I know a bunch of chords but not all of them. I wanted to have a tool that searches song books based on which chords I already know, so I could discover new songs and navigate my books better. Click the chord diagrams you know, and it displays a directory of all the songs you can play with those chords. [more inside]
posted by a complicated history on Feb 8, 2018 - 2 comments

Same Rat, Different Hat

The debut record from Out of System Transfer, a neo-old-timey band who sing punk-influenced folk songs about the assassination of William McKinley, hitting cops in the head with a brick, and riding the subway. Their sound has been compared to the Holy Modal Rounders, Mojo Nixon, and Mischief Brew. With physical media sales becoming less viable, it made little sense to get CDs printed (plus, no one in the band even had a working CD player), but it also felt wrong to forego the great potential offered by album covers and liner notes, not to mention the feeling of having a tangible thing for fans to have. Thus, the record was released as a zine, (also bundled with the download as a pdf) with original artwork commissioned for each song by various Brooklyn-based artists. [more inside]
posted by Jon_Evil on Feb 14, 2014 - 3 comments

Darling Danielle EP

Four ukulele songs. Genre guesstimate: confessional showtunes.
posted by rhymes with carrots on Dec 7, 2013 - 0 comments

Kenyan time-lapse music video.

This was a song I recorded with some of my friends back in Davis, California; the visuals are a 30-minute drive from Maseno to Kisumu in western Kenya, compressed into three minutes. And those Kenyan roads are nerve-wracking even before compression....
posted by kaibutsu on Jan 15, 2012 - 0 comments

Stumbling Drunk With Love for the World

Demos of a small pile of songs I've written (and a couple I haven't). Voice and ukulele, sorry to those with high-art sensibilities. A lot of these I've been playing at campfires in my community for years; some friends bugged me to record some before I move away, so here it is... The 'Flyball's Lament' track is a verbose reinterpretation of the MeFiMu classic by The Great Big Mulp. [more inside]
posted by kaibutsu on Jul 21, 2011 - 0 comments

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