6 posts tagged with ScienceFiction and anthology.
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The Museum of All Things Awesome and that Go Boom!

Released today, The Museum of All Things Awesome and That Go Boom is an anthology of science fiction featuring blunt force trauma, explosions, adventure, derring-do, tigers, Martians, zombies, fanged monsters, dinosaurs (alien and domestic), ray guns, rocket ships, and anthropomorphized marshmallows. [more inside]
posted by joannemerriam on Jul 27, 2016 - 0 comments

The first science fiction anthology to focus on the immigrant experience

How to Live on Other Planets: A Handbook for Aspiring Aliens explores the immigrant experience in a science fiction setting, with fiction and poetry from Sturgeon winner Sarah Pinsker, James Tiptree, Jr., Award winner Nisi Shawl and Nebula, Hugo, and World Fantasy Award winner Ken Liu, as well as 32 other writers, most of them themselves immigrants or the children of immigrants. [more inside]
posted by joannemerriam on Feb 11, 2015 - 3 comments

2015 Young Explorer’s Adventure Guide

A science fiction anthology of stories written for a middle grade audience, with a focus on diversity and representation. 20 stories from amazing authors, ranging from Nebula and Hugo winners to relative newcomers to the field. 90% of the stories in the anthology are brand new, and 80% have central female characters. We don’t have girls who are prizes to be won or waiting to be rescued. All of our heroines and heroes are on their own adventure, not a side note in someone else’s. Our characters are white, black, asian, latino. Human and robot. Everyone belongs here.
posted by korej on Oct 9, 2014 - 4 comments

Puzzle Box: Eleven Pieces of Short Fiction

Last year I edited a collection of short stories called The Ships We Sail. It was so much fun I decided to do it again, and so I did, with a new, longer anthology entitled Puzzle Box. [more inside]
posted by Sokka shot first on Sep 19, 2013 - 1 comment

We See a Different Frontier: A Postcolonial Speculative Fiction Anthology

This anthology of speculative fiction stories on the themes of colonialism and cultural imperialism focuses on the viewpoints of the colonized. Sixteen authors share their experiences of being the silent voices in history and on the wrong side of the final frontier; their fantasies of a reality in which straight, cis, able-bodied, rich, anglophone, white males don’t get to tell us how they won every war; their revenge against the alien oppressor settling their “new world”. [more inside]
posted by dhruva on Aug 26, 2013 - 3 comments

The Ships We Sail - an Anthology of Stories about Love in Transit

Over the summer, I packed my hard drive with NASA technical documents and wrote a novella-length story about a manned mission to Mars. Now that and six other stories of adventure and romance are available as an ebook, of which we are very proud! [more inside]
posted by Narrative Priorities on Nov 21, 2012 - 1 comment

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