9 posts tagged with Books and humor.
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Cookbook Title Generator

Today's bestselling cookbooks can seem a little formulaic. The titles start to sound the same. The success of one book begets sequels, riffs and shameless wannabes. With such nakedly formulaic titles, couldn't you assemble a cookbook title by slapping together some diet buzzwords, food trends and publishing tropes? Why, yes you could!
posted by veggieboy on Mar 29, 2016 - 1 comment


Conservative Book Title Generator. If the Ted Cruz-New York Times controversy has taught us anything, it's that (1) all books written by conservatives are bestsellers; and (2) all such books have pretty much indistinguishable titles.
posted by FreelanceBureaucrat on Jul 18, 2015 - 3 comments

My first novel - Gone Whalin'. It's funny.

One year, six months, eight days, 638 pages, 222,851 words, and 1,025,891 characters after I started writing it, my novel Gone Whalin’ is available on Amazon in paperback and on Kindle. Previously on MeFi Projects I've shared my two collections of bad Wikipedia writing, but this is the book I'm most proud of. It's about a college student who starts waking up on a whaling ship every other day, the adventures he has at sea, and the scheming that goes on between his roommate and the dean of his school to exploit his situation while he's back in time. You can read the first three chapters and watch the book trailer here! [more inside]
posted by JoeGoblin on Nov 6, 2013 - 0 comments

My new book! [Citation Needed] 2: The Needening

I just co-self-published my second collection of hilariously bad Wikipedia writing. It's over 200 of our favorite entries, with our own original commentary, plus a foreword by Mike Nelson of RiffTrax & MST3K! [more inside]
posted by JoeGoblin on Jun 26, 2013 - 4 comments


Those who refuse to learn from the past… have obviously never read some of the frankly bizarre advice our grandparents thought fit to commit to print. Obsolessons is here to bring you the questionable wisdom of our ancestors, with the occasional useful tip like how to gild a live fish. Because how could that NOT come in handy?
posted by MsMolly on Aug 28, 2012 - 10 comments

Sean Reads Animorphs!

In the tradition of the Mark Reads . . . series, my friend & co-blogger Sean Wills has been recapping the Animorphs series, a '90s tween book franchise about shapeshifting kids who battle evil alien slugs, over at our site, the Intergalactic Academy. [more inside]
posted by PhoBWanKenobi on Feb 2, 2012 - 2 comments

I wrote a book! [Citation Needed]: The Best of Wikipedia's Worst Writing

For the past two years, Josh Fruhlinger and I have been running a blog collecting our favorite examples of hilariously bad writing from Wikipedia, (seen here in the blue.) After expanding to do a podcast, (seen here in projects), we decided the only logical next step was to write a book - and now it's out! Over 200 entries, with our commentary on each one. Available in paperback, or on Kindle, and you can download a free PDF of the first fifty pages on our site!
posted by JoeGoblin on Oct 23, 2011 - 0 comments

English Majeure

is a new webcomic I've started. Jokes about books- so far I've done Rand, Mailer, Milton, Vidal, Thompson, and Tolkien. Lots more to come, with at least one update a week. Oh, and the "About" page features the most dignified picture of me ever taken.
posted by COBRA! on Apr 21, 2011 - 4 comments

Better Names (for baby)

A book of fake baby names, full PDF and twitter as well.
posted by CharlesV42 on Dec 10, 2010 - 5 comments

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