Google Office Timesheets
April 19, 2007 1:01 PM

Google Office Timesheets
I wrote this when I got sick of sitting at my computer at 16:55 on a Friday afternoon guestimating how long I'd spent on various projects during the week. I'd seen others using Outlook to record activities throughout the day and figured I could improve the data entry and automate the process of filling in timesheets using Google's Calendar and Spreadsheet APIs.

It's designed for individuals and small businesses to record daily activities and produce timesheets. It also supports offline time entry (in case you're floating offshore).

I developed this in conjunction with my 'Google Powered Office' articles -- in particular 'Google Timesheets'.

It's a freeware Windows application that requires .NET 1.1.
posted by Reto (0 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

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