Talk To Action
November 22, 2005 1:09 PM

Talk To Action
I met Frederick Clarkson in the ePluribus Media project. Fred was going down to the NYC CUNY Open Ctr. to give a talk at the World's 1st Conference On Dominionism, last May. "Hey, Fred", I asked, "you know most of the best researchers and journalists who cover the religious right" [ many of whom were at the conference ] "so why don't you ask them all to post on one website ? It'll be the best source of info on the religious right available. I'll build it. Just ask them, why not ?" Well lots of reasons, not the least of which was the fact that I'd never built or managed a group blog. But Fred did ask, and so I became one of about 6 people on the planet with a detailed knowledge of Scoop from the design and admin end. Or so Colin Hill of Scoophost suggests : esoteric, sort of like the study of extinct Molluscan species. Metafilter is ( I believe ) a derivation of Scoop. Anyway, I write occasionally too and this winter I'm planning a Talk To Action series debunking the claims of the theocratic Christian right on the alleged threat of gay marriage.
posted by troutfishing (0 comments total)

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