... a look back at your Amazon shopping history
May 24, 2022 10:02 AM   Subscribe

... a look back at your Amazon shopping history
Amazon allows you to export your shopping history as a CSV. Nozama helps you parse your purchases. Slice and dice past your spending by year, category and item.

After the pandemic started, we began relying much more heavily on Amazon as our source of goods. So, naturally, this feature piqued my interest -- it started with a simple question, "If I'd just bought Amazon stock instead of [whatever], what's that investment worth now?"

From there, I started slicing and dicing the data in other ways: by category, by item, aggregated over time. Super interesting and eye opening.

Since it's useful for me and our household spending, I open sourced the code, made the functionality available for free. Privacy is super important -- the app runs entirely on the client side -- nothing is shared with anyone under any circumstances.

Nozama is little rough around the edges -- think MVP -- but I'd love to hear your thoughts, ideas for future features.
Role: Developer
posted by ph00dz (1 comment total) 2 users marked this as a favorite

Got this, sorry was clicking away not very analytically.

framework-5f4595e5518b5600.js:1 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')
at I (116.0eac25df1836989e.js:15:4166)
at Object.render (116.0eac25df1836989e.js:257:17242)
at 116.0eac25df1836989e.js:374:23571
at 116.0eac25df1836989e.js:374:23240
at $t (116.0eac25df1836989e.js:374:23251)
at 116.0eac25df1836989e.js:374:31946
at Gt (116.0eac25df1836989e.js:374:36674)
at 116.0eac25df1836989e.js:374:30644
at Yt (116.0eac25df1836989e.js:374:36810)
at Kt (116.0eac25df1836989e.js:374:30168)
cu @ framework-5f4595e5518b5600.js:1
main-cc18c313d0807291.js:1 TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'split')
at I (116.0eac25df1836989e.js:15:4166)
at Object.render (116.0eac25df1836989e.js:257:17242)
at 116.0eac25df1836989e.js:374:23571
at 116.0eac25df1836989e.js:374:23240
at $t (116.0eac25df1836989e.js:374:23251)
at 116.0eac25df1836989e.js:374:31946
at Gt (116.0eac25df1836989e.js:374:36674)
at 116.0eac25df1836989e.js:374:30644
at Yt (116.0eac25df1836989e.js:374:36810)
at Kt (116.0eac25df1836989e.js:374:30168)
ye @ main-cc18c313d0807291.js:1
main-cc18c313d0807291.js:1 A client-side exception has occurred, see here for more info: https://nextjs.org/docs/messages/client-side-exception-occurred
ye @ main-cc18c313d0807291.js:1
posted by sammyo at 9:50 AM on June 26, 2022

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