Crunchy Frog: Interactive web-based programming tutorial
July 23, 2006 9:25 PM

Crunchy Frog: Interactive web-based programming tutorial
Crunchy Frog is an environment for displaying interactive tutorials in Python. Crunchy Frog takes a simple html file that can be either local or reside somewhere one the web and, if there's been just a bit of special (W3C compliant) markup added, will display it as an "interactive tutorial". By this, I mean that, depending on the markup, either a Python intrepreter or an editor with an "instant evaluation" button will be added, allowing you to try your Python code right inside your webbrowser. Works with Firefox 1.5+ ... but not with IE nor Opera at the moment (version 0.6).
posted by aroberge (0 comments total) 1 user marked this as a favorite

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