The Government Bureau of Superheroics
November 16, 2005 2:16 AM

The Government Bureau of Superheroics
Since its founding by Franklin Roosevelt, the Government Bureau of Superheroics has been helping ordinary citizens who want to don spandex and fight crime. Under the leadership of the current Undersecretary of Superheroics, the Bureau has forged into the 21st century, establishing a Department of Headquarters Security and creating an Online Combat Simulator. But its most important duty remains publishing The Government Manual for New Superheroes. Secret origin of the site: my first book was recently published, and--as often happens with first-time writers--my co-author and I had to take a lot of responsibility for our own PR. So, we put the site together (with help from AskMe) to bring a little more attention to the work. But we've worked hard at making it a funny and worthwhile site in its own right.
posted by yankeefog (0 comments total)

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