Free streaming music videos today!
May 22, 2006 9:43 AM

Free streaming music videos today!
At my work, we're stress-testing a windows media streamer, and would appreciate it if you guys and several thousand of your friends would watch some streaming music videos over the next 24 hours or so.

The service, IceTV, is going to ultimately be like a cable company targeted to handheld devices (cell phones, pdas, etc) that use the windows media player, but for the sake of this test, all you need is a PC running windows and a fat enough pipe to play a ~150k stream. This url will be active until about noon tomorrow, Phoenix time. Please give it a spin, and if you get a lousy (or none at all) signal, please let me know in the comments: The station being broadcast (with their approval) is an independent station here in Phoenix, and the content is an eclectic blend of music videos and movies. Thanks for your time and input!
posted by davelog (0 comments total)

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