Urban Gaming Meets Guerilla Projection Mapping
March 1, 2012 4:10 PM   Subscribe

Urban Gaming Meets Guerilla Projection Mapping
“Snake the Planet!” by MPU takes the classic mobile phone game ‘Snake’ and adopts it for the urban canvas. When ‘Snake the Planet!” is projected onto buildings, each level is generated individually and based on the selected facade. Windows, door frames, pipes and signs all become boundaries and obstacles in the game. Shapes and pixels collide with these boundaries like real objects. The multi player mode lets players intentionally block each other’s path in order to destroy the opponent. The projection unit is a self-contained unit housed in a modified "nana bin". Within the nanabin, there is an inverter, battery, projector, and speakers.
Role: programmer, builder, designer
posted by wandergeek (0 comments total)

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