What Ken Be Done? Celebrating 80s Fashion from Australia and doing good.
August 1, 2010 8:43 AM   Subscribe

What Ken Be Done? Celebrating 80s Fashion from Australia and doing good.
Most Australians have heard of 1980s artist and fashion designer Ken Done. Most Australians haven't heard of 80s fashion collector Jackie Ruddock or the Melbourne based social enterprise The Social Studio. So, Good Fashion for Good is a project i've been working on with my partner, for 365 days she will be wearing Ken Done's 80's fashion and along the way encouraging people to do *good fashion for good*. If that doesn't sound like a big deal, first check out www.goodfashionforgood.com for some examples of Ken Done's finest fashion from the 1980s. Its going to be a colourful year for us.
posted by MT (4 comments total)

I support the cause but not the means I'm afraid. It *is* too soon for retroappreciation of the travesties Done foisted on the cultural landscape. If there was any justice, we'd be having district-by-district bonfires to purge the nation of his offensively garish, only-good-for-soaking-up-vomit-from-Darling-Harbour-pub-floors patterns. There is no wriggle room here for mockery and sarcasm; the pain is still acute and the damage too widespread. As a nation we ought to consider bringing a class-action suit against Mr Done for chronic emotional and corneal scarring. This is not the stuff deserving of celebration.
posted by peacay at 3:42 PM on August 1, 2010

Good cause, but...
Can collecting Ken Done be good?
I'm with peacay. No, it can't.
posted by Fiasco da Gama at 8:40 PM on August 1, 2010

Fascinating and terrifying at the same time.
posted by gomichild at 6:10 PM on August 3, 2010

I actually think some of these outfits are cool. However you feel about them, I'd like to see them photographed from more or less straight on instead of a bird's eye view and not in front of an equally garishly patterned wall.
posted by cmoj at 3:52 PM on August 8, 2010

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